4 Key Lessons I Have Learned From Writing Consistently For 1.5 Years

Some valuable tips for aspiring writers.

Biliz Maharjan
2 min readOct 28, 2021
Photo by Cookie the Pom on Unsplash

A few years ago, I had not written a single piece of content online. I had never written anything besides academic papers for my college.

It was during the 2020 lockdown that I decided to start a blog. I wrote a few articles in my blog. But nobody read those articles. I barely had 10 views. However, I kept going because I enjoyed writing.

Writing gave me a sense of satisfaction. It made me feel good. Since I read a lot of books, I wrote about them. Further, I wrote about personal finance, health, inspiration, and so forth because I have good knowledge and experience in these topics.

Having written consistently for 1.5 years now, I have learned a few things as a writer.

1. Write as much as possible

Duh! You can’t become a good writer if you don’t write. So, write every day. You don’t have to publish everything you write.

As I have said before, writing is a muscle that grows with frequent exercise. Therefore, build a consistent writing habit.

2. Don’t just publish the good stuff

The exciting thing about online content creation is that you don’t know what people will like.

What you think is good writing might come out horrible to the readers. And, what you think is crappy writing could instead become a hit.

Your only job is to write and hit the publish button. The rest will take care of itself. As Ryan Holiday says, “You only control the effort, not the results.”

3. Write for free

Money should not be your motivation to write. Instead, writing should be your passion. It should be something you would do for free.

Money is the result of hard work and consistency. If you write for free and focus on improving your work, money will flow.

4. Read…a lot

A good writer is a good reader. Follow other successful writers and subscribe to their email lists. Learn what they do and how they are so successful. Then, do the same.

Read books, newsletters, and other writers’ work. I have learned more about writing by reading articles on Medium than I would learn from any writing course.



Biliz Maharjan
Biliz Maharjan

Written by Biliz Maharjan

I write about self-improvement, creativity, and writing. Join other creators and entrepreneurs for weekly notes: bilizmaharjan.com/subscribe

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